my own little world
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Hunger Games
I am reading a book called "The Hunger Games " by Suzanne Collins. The main characters so far that iv known of are Katniss,Gale, and Prim. i know that Katniss is the older sister of Prim and close friend of Gale.Gale is older than Katniss and they both go to hunt for food to feed their family. They live in district 12 and every year their names get entered depending on their age and u can enter it a couple more times in trade for supplies and food. In the hunger games a boy and a girl tribute get randomly chosen from each district and go into the woods and its a survival game who ever survives last gets to go home and gets a years food supplies for their family. so far on what iv read is that that Prim got chosen as the girl tribute and Katniss stepped in and volunteered in place of Prim. I know that Katniss did not wish to be in the games but she would not let her little sister go in there and die. I would have done the same.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dialectic Journal#4
"The dog starts barking again. Wait, i didn't put a can of coke in there. The principal picks up the can , starts unscrewing the top and...oh, ****. Its not a can of coke. Its a fake one with .. one bag of weed. A big bag. And bag with a bunch of white and blue pills inside." someone framed Carlos and but drugs in his backpack that was in his locker and he has his suspicions but wont rat them out. so for now he gets expelled and when he goes back to school he has to go to a program after school for a long time where other delinquents are sent to instead of jail. But\hes going to find out who framed him and why.
Dialectic Journal#3
"I cant believe it took me so long to figure it out", Carlos says. "you and tuck are just friend's. I don't even think your friends with benefits. Since when Carlos first meet tuck he thought they where together and now when they act like a couple and tuck over does it whith the sweetness he realized that they where just pretending but she lies and says they are and he doesn't know that tuck is he had been kinda jealous in the inside
Dialectic Journal #2
"Suddenly i realized that i trust this boy, even if he doesn't trusty himself" When Kiara and Carlos are getting a little more involved and their risking in getting in trouble and then she realizes she does trust him because she enjoys being around him and feels safe when shes with him,But once she tells him that she trusts him he kinda starts wondering and then she confesses that she feels something fore him and that's when things change because he doesn't want a girl who says she loves him he just wants a girl to play around with and have fun and then she regrets telling him her feelings.
Dialectic Journal. #1
"From his relaxed expression, id bet Carlos was having almost as much fun as my brother" this is when Carlos let Brandon win for the first time in soccer because Kiara asked him too but shes not sure if he let him or if he actually beat him but anyways Carlos had promised to play soldiers with him and when he's playing it looks like hes enjoying it because he seems pretty chill about it and he had only promised a couple minutes but he spent more time playing. Kiara starts to see his soft side because he actually cared enough to loose and play with Brandon. Carlos is starting to care More bout the family.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
an important moment is when Ariel came to the hospital and said she saw it on the news and said she was late because she saw it and spend time getting ready and then she goes to Jericho and when Olivia and Dana see them Olivia gets sad because she likes Jericho and then he tells her that he doesn't want to be with her that he found someone else that he likes and that is better than her and she says who it cant be that whale because she is not better than me and i don't see anybody else here that u might be interested in and then he hold Olivia's hand and says its her and Ariel leaves out the hospital because no one backed her up and no one followed her out to see if shes okay.
an important moment is when they're coming back from the football game and its 4 hours away from their home and on the way there November starts getting contractions and then she says shell be okay but then they think that they might be ready to have her baby and shes 2 months away from her due date. they stop at the rest stop to go to the restroom when it turns out that shes in labor and they call the ambulance and the people in the buses from the football game and then the ambulance comes and they get her in a helicopter and Jericho had promised her hell be there with her and he didn't get to go with her and at the hospital allot of people and teachers stay there till morning in the waiting room to support her and hear from the baby. i chose this moment because its where the books been leading to, when shes ready to have her baby and i would think this is like the climax point because now is what every ones been waiting for and even though November wasn't due just yet she still has to make her decision on keeping her baby or letting J\oshs parents adopt it.
Monday, November 14, 2011
November Blues connects to the book No more Sad Goodbyes. these books are alike because in November blues November finds out shes pregnant, she has one parent alive and doesn't know what to do she has an option of keeping her baby or giving it to her dead bf Josh's parents and in her pregnancy the dad of the baby isn't involved and she has her baby and keeps No more Sad goodbyes Autumn is pregnant and doesn't know what to do, she had one parent alive and she first wants an abortion but then her dad and grandma die and she somewhat isn't able to get an abortion and then she wants to give it for adoption. at the end she chooses not to keep it and gives it to someone who doesn't want one and is able to take care of her. Both characters in these books have a very big decision to make and they both decide whats the best for their baby. both the baby's dads are not involved in the pregnancy, the main characters from both books experience death of a loved one.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
i wouldnt give you away

Monday, October 31, 2011
Second BoOk
November Blues by Sharon M. Draper, the most believable parts of the book are mostly everything this is a realistic book a story that can happen to anyone. Her boyfriend dies,she finds out shes pregnant and she doesn't want to disappoint her mother shes her mothers everything ,she is an only child with no dad because he died when she was young and her mother wants the best for her and shes been accepted to the college of her dreams and when she tells her mom it seems as if the world has dropped on her and when she decides she cant do nothing about it but support her she starts telling her allot of things such as she has to take care of her health and she cant eat anything she did before she is told to look up every price of the needs of a baby and then later on she finds out that Josh's parents want to adopt her baby to raise it as their own. November doesn't know what to do because she has nothing to offer the baby and Josh's parents do they have everything a child would be happy with but she doesn't want to be a bad mother and give her baby away like that shes stuck between a decision that's hard for her
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